【KH1.5+2.5】配信外でボス倒してしまった ③

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • 音量大丈夫???
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    "The Apothecary Who Appears Anywhere When Summoned 🌟✨
    The apothecary who can be summoned anywhere, anytime, and is known to prescribe medicine accurately for any illness. However, the source of most of the ingredients for the medicines is a mystery, and even when asked, the apothecary somehow manages to evade the question.
    Though the origins of the ingredients remain a secret, her skills and the effectiveness of her remedies are undeniable. With few side effects and a track record of never causing harm, many seek her out for her potions and elixirs.
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    🌟 配信で守ってほしいこと 🌟
    1. 🎉 みんなで楽しもうね!何か悪いことを言ったり、けんかしたりしないようにしようね。
    Let's have fun together! Let's avoid saying mean things or fighting with each other.
    2. ✨ 同じメッセージを何度も繰り返さないでね。それはうるさいし、みんなが困るから。
    Please don't repeat the same message multiple times. It's noisy and can bother everyone.
    3. 🌈 悪い言葉や、だれかを馬鹿にするようなことはやめようね。誰かを傷つけたりしないようにしよう。
    Avoid using bad words or making fun of someone. Let's be kind and not hurt anyone's feelings.
    4. 🎵 他の人の作ったゲームや音楽を使うときは、許可をもらわないといけないんだよ。
    When using games or music created by others, you need to get permission.
    5. 🙌 配信者が何かを頼んだら、できるだけ協力しようね。みんなが楽しめるようにするためのお願いだよ。
    If the streamer asks for something, let's try to cooperate. It's a request to make everyone enjoy the stream.
    6. 🍿 新しいゲームや映画のネタバレをしないでね。みんなが驚きや楽しみを共有できるようにしよう。
    Let's not spoil new games or movies. Let's allow everyone to share in the excitement and surprises.
    7. 🚫 イジメや嫌がらせはダメだよ。誰かを傷つけることは絶対にやめよう。
    Bullying and harassment are not allowed. Let's definitely stop hurting others.
    8. 🗣️ 汚い言葉や過激なことは言わないようにしよう。言葉遣いに気をつけよう。
    Avoid using vulgar language or being too extreme. Let's be mindful of our words.
    9. 🤝 議論は大丈夫だけど、他の人と仲良く話そうね。怒らずに意見を言おう。
    It's okay to have discussions, but let's talk to others kindly. Let's express our opinions without getting angry.
    10. 🌞 配信は楽しい場所だから、みんなが笑顔でいられるよう、優しい言葉で話そうね。みんなで仲良くしよう!
    Since the stream should be a fun place, let's use kind words to keep everyone smiling. Let's get along together!
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